Monday, September 27, 2010

Looking back at a surprising August

Looking back at August, I was on vacation in South America for a week, and had a blast! What an amazing vacation. This is why the August month had a little dip, its no biggie as the $55 visa prepaid card more then made up for it!

I got $55 prepaid gift card from good ol Opinion Outpost, which had a special survey that you had to do daily for a couple of weeks. I took these surveys, a while ago since back in June, however I had to wait 4 weeks for it to ship so that's why I received it so late. Unfortunately I cannot get into details about exactly what it was because almost all of these special surveys you cannot discuss the content with anyone else. Well anyway, thanks to Opinion Outpost, I also made $30 from them this past month. I got $40 from Valued Opinions and I am getting a ton of surveys from them these days which is good. To wrap it up I got a $50 check from Global Test Market. That makes $175 for August which is great! Also, I cashed out for the FINAL TIME on Surveyhead. As I said the last time, they are going to the dogs and I am no longer going to be using them to take surveys.

September has been a little slow but it still looks like it will end with a bang. Christmas is approaching before we know it, here's hoping all the free money will make this a great Christmas to remember, take care!

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